Jubilee St Louis First Campus Retreat ‘My Story, God’s History’ Bears Fruit Proclaiming Grand History of God

jubilee campus retreatjubilee campus retreatjubilee campus retreat

Feb 16, 2020

Saturday, February 15th, Jubilee St Louis held its first campus retreat "My Story, God's History", with messages based on the 4 Spiritual Laws, on Washington University of St Louis. 5 attendants came.

The first lecture treated on Creation and Sin. Using passages from Genesis 1, Pastor Xavier explained how beautiful the world God created originally was. The most special thing is, He has put His image inside of us, which is the image of love. But love includes free will. The tragedy after Creation is that man used his free will to disobey God and follow Satan's arrogance, as demonstrated in Genesis 3. 

The second lecture dealt with the theme of Salvation. Pastor Aria used Romans 3 to explain that God provided the perfect plan of salvation through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. We are saved not by our deeds, but by the blood Jesus shed for us, taking the punishment of sin instead of us. Like the prodigal son in Luke 15, if man returns to God, he will be forgiven, accepted and declared son of God.

Pastor Aaron gave a presentation of Jubilee World, showing the ministry works and vision. Students were amazed to see what the ministry does and by its endeavours to cover the whole world with praises.

The final and third lecture, given by Pastor Xavier, spoke about the Kingdom of God. Taking parables from Matthew 13 as well as Luke 17:21, he explained that the Kingdom of God starts like a mustard seed and should grow. We shouldn't live as passive believers waiting for the Lord's return but rather be active, living a life focused towards God's Kingdom and spreading the Word to all nations. Though our work starts as small, if there is true life in it, it will become huge and cover the world.

The day ended with a graceful prayer meeting. Among the attendants, there was a newcomer who said he would be available every afternoon for Bible study in the coming days.

Brother Alex shared: "I am thankful to hear this Bible study. God loved us, but we foolishly decided to reject His commandments. Still, He loved us and prepared a plan for our salvation, because of His mercy."

Brother Rico said: "I learnt many things throughout these Bible studies, I hope to remember them and apply them to my life."

Pastor Aaron shared: "Even though I listened to Genesis many times, I realized something new once again. There are still some struggles on this path, but there will be a day for liberation".

Pastor Aria shared: "Until the end there were spiritual battles till this retreat starts, but I also felt God's grace and I am thankful for that. I pray that the students may realize deeply the Gospel and keep following God."

Please pray for Jubilee St Louis to keep reaching out to many souls. 



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