Jubilee China Easter Concert Praising "The Lord Has Risen"!

Jubilee China Easter Concert Praising "The Lord Has Risen"!Jubilee China Easter Concert Praising "The Lord Has Risen"!

Apr 04, 2018


On April 1st, 3:00-5:00 pm, Jubilee China successfully held Easter Concert. About 70 people attended the concert, praising "the Lord has risen" together. 

The concert not only had beautiful instrumental melody, collective worship and praise, but also had wonderful solo and musical drama. First, professional violinist brother Shaobo Zhang performed 

"Bach Unaccompanied Violin Sonata Andante" and "The Grace that The Lord has Given Me". Then brother Zheyuan Xu  played the flute solo "

Oasis" and "Amazing Grace". Sister Yan Yang affectionately sang a solo song "Someone is Praying for You". Brother Junyong and brother Chao Li performed a song and dance drama

"The Risen Lord". In the second half session, Jubilee China worship band lead a free and passionate worship through ten gospel songs, giving all glory to the Lord. During the concert, the participants received a lot of grace from God. One member testified that her heart was very moved when she sang the song "The Witness of The Cross", which encouraged her greatly to become a witness of the cross too. Jubilee staff also greatly thank God. One worship leader shared that although his physical body was very tired because of busy schedule, but he experienced the resurrection of the Lord. The band pianist testified that the resurrection of the Lord is the victory of love. Because of the love he could have a new life.



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