Jubilee Designer Shares Feature Lent Wallpaper with Heartfelt Reflection

Lent, 2018

Feb 15, 2018


The Lenten period is a trembling time for us to meditate on the love of Christ and the mercy of God. With a heartfelt spirit, Jubilee designer, Grace Chung, designed a feature wallpaper for mobile devices. She shared her inspiration behind this beautiful artwork:

"Every year we met during special periods, such as Lent, Easter, and Christmas. This year Ash Wednesday which is start Lent period. However, for me it was quite different from the past years.

Because, when I think about the meaning of the Lent period, one thought came to me. It is that Jesus died for me on the cross and resurrected. I realized God's sacrifice for our eternal life and He gave his one and only son for me. But in the real-life situation, why can't I commit all my heart to God? It is because of Satan's temptation. God wants to love and give everything, He even gave his one and only son for me.

As we know, recently we started donation campaigns. I thought, 'I have debt and I don't have money and there was no way.' But when I prayed, the Holy spirit comforted me: 'You'll find a way to accomplish your goal... I'll help you to get victory.' And I decided to pledge and finish by God's grace. Even though it's just a small amount, I believe God will use this for a bigger purpose." Thank God." 




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